Our organizational member, Odo Achievement Center, was one of the recipients of the Education and Culture Program sub-award sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by Partners of the Americas in partnership with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. On July 12, 2024, Odo completed the Born to Lead: Leadership Cultivation program for Youth of Haitian Descent.
Agriculture is a very important sector in Haiti, particularly in light of subsistence farmers who compete against subsidized foreign farm products. In addition, ecological concerns can make things more complicated.
The Haiti-New Jersey Partners contribute to solutions with the following actions:
CDB Seedling Distribution and Education
As Haiti has less than 2% vegetation coverage. We are working with an agronomist and the Ministry of Agriculture and other organizations in order to:
- Distribute seedlings, and have already done so in the town of Croix-des-Bouquets
- Teach members of the targeted community how to take care of those seedlings
- Establish a nutrition program through agriculture
Greenhouse Project
The construction of a greenhouse project Laboule 12 jointly by the YMCA and SOHADERK firm and the execution of which had two phases:
- The construction of the greenhouse
- Staff training
e have 40 years of tangible success. Previous Projects Include:
- Farmer-to-Farmer is a long-standing initiative that Partners of the Americas directs on behalf of USAID in many countries around the world. Some of the projects implemented in Haiti in recent years include:
- Beekeeping Project: Download Brochure.
- Rabbit Project: Download Brochure.
- Vegetable Project: Download Brochure.
- FTF blog for current projects in Haiti at http://farmertofarmer.blogspot.com/search/label/Haiti.
- Recruit and assist?participants in the American Fellows Program. Many of them have not traveled to the United States before, and members of our Chapter volunteer to help acclimate them, socialize with them, and otherwise seek to give them a sense of “home away from home.”
- During this and other types of exchanges, travellers have the chance to establish lifelong personal and professional contacts in the New York and New Jersey areas, within organizations, including:
- Rutgers University
- The Port Authority of NY&NJ
- Accion International
- The New Jersey Department of Tourism
- The Red Cross chapters